10.1 | The distribution of marks in a course given in the table below: |
10.2 | Grade Point (GP): A numeric score for a course on the scale of 4 measuring the academic performance of a student. The obtained percentage marks will be mapped to grade point using following table |
10.3 | Grade Point Average of a Semester (GPA): The grade point average of a semester will be calculated by the following formula |
![]() |
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): CGPA for a program for all courses attended during the program of studies will be calculated in similar fashion using the same formula shown above in Section 9.3. |
10.4 | Grade: A letter is representing the scholar’s academic performance in a course. The letter grades and their equivalent numerical marks, and GP are given in the following table. |
*Fraction is to be rounded up to two decimals.